The Center for Strategic Studies and Research (CSSR) stands as a distinguished think tank, bringing together a diverse cadre of research scholars and seasoned individuals across various fields.

  • CSSR’s Research

    CSSR facilitates intellectual exchange by organizing events that bring together experts, scholars, and policymakers to discuss and address critical issues.

Counterterrorism Research

CSSR is dedicated to conducting in-depth research on counterterrorism strategies, contributing valuable insights to the global effort against terrorism

Monitoring Activities of Terrorist Groups

The organization shall closely track and analyze the activities of terrorist groups, providing critical intelligence to support international efforts in combating terrorism

Monitoring Activities of Religious Extremist Groups

CSSR extends its scrutiny to religious extremist groups and the role of religious schools in indoctrinating students, recognizing the impact on societies and nations.

Research on Global Diplomacy

CSSR delves into the intricacies of global diplomacy, examining international relations and their implications on a broad scale.

Research on Organizations in the Global South

The organization focuses on studying entities such as ASEAN, BRICS, and others, offering a nuanced understanding of dynamics in the Global South

Defending Rights of Ethnic Minorities

CSSR actively advocates for the rights of ethnic minorities, striving to create awareness and influence policy decisions that promote inclusivity.

Election Monitoring

CSSR engages in monitoring and analyzing elections, ensuring transparency and fairness in democratic processes.

Conducting Opinion Polls

The organization conducts opinion polls on a variety of topics, providing valuable data on public sentiment and perspectives.

Organizing Seminars, Symposia, Round-table Discussions

CSSR facilitates intellectual exchange by organizing events that bring together experts, scholars, and policymakers to discuss and address critical issues.

Publishing Journal

CSSR disseminates knowledge and insights through its journal, featuring contributions from research scholars and experts across the globe.

About CSSR

The Center for Strategic Studies and Research (CSSR) stands as a distinguished think tank, bringing together a diverse cadre of research scholars and seasoned individuals across various fields. Differentiating itself from conventional, agenda-driven organizations, CSSR refuses to serve as a mouthpiece for any external interests or nations. Instead, it is a beacon of impartiality, composed of unbiased scholars committed to fostering an alternative world order.

CSSR's mission centers around addressing crucial global issues through comprehensive research and analysis. The organization has identified ten key focus areas to guide its endeavors:

Counterterrorism Research

CSSR is dedicated to conducting in-depth research on counterterrorism strategies, contributing valuable insights to the global effort against terrorism.

Monitoring Activities of Terrorist Groups

The organization shall closely track and analyze the activities of terrorist groups, providing critical intelligence to support international efforts in combating terrorism.

Monitoring Activities of Religious Extremist Groups

CSSR extends its scrutiny to religious extremist groups and the role of religious schools in indoctrinating students, recognizing the impact on societies and nations.

Research on Global Diplomacy

CSSR delves into the intricacies of global diplomacy, examining international relations and their implications on a broad scale.

Research on Organizations in the Global South

The organization focuses on studying entities such as ASEAN, BRICS, and others, offering a nuanced understanding of dynamics in the Global South.

Defending Rights of Ethnic Minorities

CSSR actively advocates for the rights of ethnic minorities, striving to create awareness and influence policy decisions that promote inclusivity.

Election Monitoring

CSSR engages in monitoring and analyzing elections, ensuring transparency and fairness in democratic processes.

Conducting Opinion Polls

The organization conducts opinion polls on a variety of topics, providing valuable data on public sentiment and perspectives.

Organizing Seminars, Symposiam, Round-table Discussions

CSSR facilitates intellectual exchange by organizing events that bring together experts, scholars, and policymakers to discuss and address critical issues.

Publishing Journal

CSSR disseminates knowledge and insights through its journal, featuring contributions from research scholars and experts across the globe.

With an ambitious vision, unwavering dedication, and resolute determination, CSSR is on the process of assembling a team of exceptional individuals poised to make a significant impact on global affairs. The forthcoming details of the team, comprising research scholars, experts, and advisors, will further solidify CSSR's commitment to its multifaceted mission.